Hier findest du die fiktiven Charaktere, die am LARP Elagabal – The Curtain Falls gespielt werden können. Einsicht in alle Charaktere zu haben soll dir eine klare Vorstellung davon geben, was du am Spiel erwarten kannst. Außerdem kannst du so eine fundierte Entscheidung treffen, mit welchen Spielinhalten du direkt konfrontiert werden willst und mit welchen nicht. Die Charaktere sind alle ausschließlich auf Englisch geschrieben. Wenn du Verständnisfragen hast, kannst du dich gerne an uns wenden.

Du kannst eine Rolle unabhängig von deiner ethischer Zugehörigkeit, Geschlechtsidentität, sexueller Orientierung, körperlichen Merkmalen und Alter spielen.

Bei der Anmeldung kannst du Charakterwünsche angeben.

Um kurzfristige Ausfälle zu kompensieren brauchen wir flexible Spieler*innen, unsere Joker. Du kannst bei der Anmeldung wählen, ob du uns als Joker zur Verfügung stehen willst. Als Joker ist die Teilnahme vergünstigt und du hast auf jeden Fall einen Platz am Spiel. Es kann sich aber erst sehr kurzfristig entscheiden, welche Rolle du übernimmst. Gib bei der Anmeldung auf jeden Fall trotzdem deine Wunschrollen an.

Teil deines Charakters ist ein Fragebogen, den du vor dem Spiel ausfüllen musst. Das wird dir bei den Workshops am Freitag Abend helfen, dich schnell mit deinen Mitspieler*innen zu verknüpfen. Außerdem dient er dir als Wegweiser durch das Spiel.



Die Höflinge des Kaisers sind teils versnobte Adelige, die sich dem bösen Spiel mit mehr oder weniger Widerstand hingeben, und neureiche Emporkömmlinge, die ihren gesellschaftlichen Aufstieg alleine dem Kaiser zu verdanken haben.

Die Spielinhalte sind Dekadenz und Sittenverfall, Machterhalt und Intrigen. 


Der Kaiser Elagabal selbst ist keine spielbare Rolle. Er wird von seinen Familienmitgliedern und Eheleuten vertreten und tritt nur auf, um eine neue Szene oder einen neuen Akt einzuleiten.


Die Militärs sind alle hohe Offiziere, die das Vertrauen verschiedener Höflinge genießen. Sie sind bewaffnet und stellen das Bindeglied zwischen Hof und Ludus dar, bewegen sich also frei zwischen beiden Sphären. Wache stehen oder als Leibwache einer anderen Rolle hinterherlaufen zu müssen wird nicht vorkommen, weil das in unseren Augen keine erfüllenden Spielinhalte sind. 

Stattdessen geht es um Pflichtbewusstsein, das Abwägen zwischen Gier und Gerechtigkeit, Gewalt und Anstand. 


Es werden auf diesem Larp keine Sklavenrollen bespielt, die bedienen, servieren oder herumgeschickt werden können, weil das unserer Auffassung nach keine erfüllenden Spielinhalte sind. Stattdessen gibt es Gladiatoren und die Leibsklavin.

Die Gladiator*innen spielen abseits des Hofs, sind absolut Rechtlos und der Willkür der Herrschaft völlig ausgeliefert. Die Spielinhalte sind Ungerechtigkeit, Kampf, Schmerz, Leid und Demütigung, aber auch starker Zusammenhalt mit den anderen Unterdrückten, Hass auf die Obrigkeit und der Wunsch nach Rache, der schließlich in einem Aufstand gipfelt. 

Die Leibsklavin bewegt sich frei in den obersten Schichten als verlängerter Arm der Kaiserin und wird dementsprechend von vielen gefürchtet.

Die Charaktere

♀ female roles

empress, grandmother of Elagabal

Age: in her sixties
Main theme: power, intrigues, ruthless pragmatism

You will become a goddess- deified, forever worshipped by mortals. Your sun shall never set, nor the people forget who you are.

body slave of the Empress Iulia Maesa

Age: in her fifties
Main theme: devotion, maintenance of power, intrigues

You’re the eyes, the ears and even the arms of your powerful domina Maesa. But you, as well as her, know very well, her influence depends on you, which makes you one of the most powerful persons at court, no matter your personal status.

empress, mother of Elagabal

Age: in her thirties
Main theme: power, intrigues, isolation, fall

You will rule in the name of your son. However, betrayed by those you keep closest, your fall is inevitable- and no one falls further than an empress.

mother of Alexander

Age: in her thirties
Main theme: intrigues, self-interest, ascendency, Christianity

You’re a lioness, fighting for your son’s position and ensuring his succession, against your sister’s odds.  You won’t hesitate to sacrifice her, so you may rise.

sister and priestess of Elagabal

Age: in her twenties
Main theme: hedonism, sadism, excesses, power, indecency

You were born into riches and use this to embody hedonism, especially if this means punishing and torturing others for your pleasure. To you, life is a mere powerplay, you aim to win.

first wife of Elagabal

Age: adolescent
Main theme: humiliation, shame, regaining confidence, intrigues, vengeance

You tasted the honours of being an empress, but lost his favor. Divorced by the emperor’s arbitrariness, you look for vengeance, gather allies, no matter the costs or consequences. All for one goal: Elagabal must die!

second/fourth wife of Elagabal, vestal virgin

Age: adolescent
Main theme: religion, causing scandal, regaining the emperor’s favor

They tried to force you into a life of abstinence and made you a vestal virgin, but you managed to wrap Elagabal around your finger. Now, you’re sitting by his side as empress, while everybody is shocked by the public desecration of your virginity. When your grandmother-in-law persuades your husband to divorce you, your only reason to stay alive is your fight for his eternal love, the restoration of your divine marriage, and to free yourself from your oppressors.

third wife of Elagabal, wife/widow of P. Bassus

Age: in her thirties
Main theme: intrigues, immorality, raising in power and honor, falling from grace, vengeance

You’re noble and desireable, but you could be so much more. Your ambitions will force you to make fatal decisions, but becoming empress comes at a price. You gamble and risk high stakes, but as you forsake your allies, you will be forsaken. No one can be forgiven for humiliating you that way!

virgo maxima (major vastal virgin), sister of C. Impuritas

Age: in her thirties
Main theme: traditions, fighting against moral decline, hypocrisy

You are the personification of dignity and sobriety – you’re the highest ranking priestess and virgin in the empire. Since your former protégée, A. Severa, left the righteous path and sacrificed her virginity, you’re looking for a way to get rid of this rotten dynasty! You need to reinstall order, while your own dark secrets slowly come to light.


Age: adolescent
Main theme: pursuit of happiness and power, maintaining status, independence, love

You’re noble and rich, and your life is as good as it can get, but you know that in times like this, everything is in a state of flux. You’re willing to act, with strength and idealism. You didn’t choose to love the future emperor, and now you’re right in the middle of this mess.

wife of M. Fuscus

Age: in her fifties
Main theme: hypocrisy, values, politics

You hold a prestigious office, have a watchful eye over vices and morals, customs and etiquette. This means you’re in the center of all rumors and gossip. Still, you’re also just a woman and you long for the sweet embrace of a man that is not your husband.

artist, singer, sister of C. Laeta

Age: in her twenties
Main theme: abuse of power, lust, esoterism, art

If glamour had a name, it would be Impuritas. Mysticism’s dark side, the esoteric spearhead of the Elagabal cult. You are the opposite of your sister, yet the two of you are as close as Castor and Pollux, welded together by your father’s abuse. You channel these experiences in your mystic creation through sexually abusing slaves, above all Sirius, who is the involuntary target of your doings.

artist, actress

Age: in her twenties
Main theme: incest, lust, immorality, being in the spotlight

You lost all your decency and live your life to the fullest. There is now and there is later, but why worry about later, when now life has to offer all these delicacies? Despite your sluttishness, you’re considered to be Rome’s finest actress, and you need to keep that title.


Age: in her forties
Main theme: observation, move up in rank and influence, rise to fame

You’re of low birth, but, nevertheless, well educated and a talented writer. As you’re unaffected by senatorial bias, the empress chose you to write about the honour of her family. This is your chance to establish your reputation, and you won’t miss it.

bodyguard, officer, amazon

Age: in her thirties
Main theme: strength, fidelity, homosexuality, duty vs. lust

You’ve killed so many men, and not one ever caught your eye. Despite serving the infamous emperor, you’re master of your own decisions, your own body, and fortune. No one would give that up!

lanista (boss of the gladiators)

Age: in her forties
Main theme: strength, status between slaves and court, maintaining your status

You’re the master of the gladiators, therefore, domina of the slaves. You get a hearing with the nobility and, right now, stand in their favour. You will do what is necessary to keep it that way.

gladiator, slave

Age: in her twenties
Main theme: loyalty, tenderness vs. gruesomeness, sexualization

You’re a playmate in the emperor’s mansion, thankful for the honour and at the same time disgusted by the immorality. Can your true love for Timor persist under those deteriorating circumstances?

gladiator, slave

Age: in her twenties
Main theme: alienness, woman in male-dominated field, lust, dominance

You’re stronger than most, and still, you have to prove yourself to everyone. The weak men you serve disgust you, but you will find a way out of this!

♂ male roles

caesar, cousin of Elagabal, son of I. Mamaea

Age: teenager
Main theme: white hope, rivalry, danger, power

You’re a beautiful mind – full of love in a world, where only ruthlessness counts. Being the successor of the emperor, you’re in more danger than anyone else.

senator, priest, husband of F. Pollitta

Age: in his sixties
Main theme: save appearances, responsibility, gambling

You’re a priest of the highest order and prominence. You used this influence to make Laeta a vestal, despite her past missteps. You value tradition, as does your wife who rules your household with an iron hand. You find solace in betting and gambling on gladiator fights. It brings not only relief, but also tremendous debts.

senator, consul, historian

Age: in his fifties
Main theme: disgust, struggle for the righteous path, dignity

Seeing the empire fall from grace is nothing you can accept easily. There is a chance for a good future, and as an old Roman senator, it is, of course, your duty to help make this happen. Plotting against Elagabal is dangerous, but who will do it, if not you?

senator, storyteller, bon-vivant

Age: in his fifties
Main theme: masochism, hedonism, backstabbing others

The bon vivant of Rome is the bon vivant of the known world! If no scandalous doing is to be found, you incite it. If outrage is about, you are the first to know about it. If disgracefulness takes place, you make sure the whole city hears of it. You don’t shy away from the excess- no, you seek it, draw joy from it, as stepping closer to the abyss means to live! 

husband of A. Faustina, senator

Age: in his thirties
Main theme: dissatisfaction, inflammation, treason

You hold the empire’s highest office while also being prominently married. So, whenever your wife whispers into your ear and encourages you to reach for the throne, you see your chance. Who then betrayed you, and brought you to the gallows?

After Bassus’ death, you’ll play Catull, the Playmate

actor, freedman

Age: in his thirties
Main theme: extravagance, being over the top, hedonism

Who is the court’s real gem, if not you and your art? The most flattering poems and moving acts stem from your hands and mind, and you’re enjoying the attention to the fullest.

artist, muse, brother of Voluptas

Age: in his twenties
Main theme: incest, lust, immorality, art

You love to provoke and to overstep the mark. The old-fashioned Roman nobility brings odium on you, but you enjoy it, knowing that you’re well appreciated by the court. Sexuality is something fluent for you, and like the emperor himself, you push all limits. As the most opalescent queen, you love the spotlight, and no other artist, singer, or actor is able to hold a candle to you.

cubicularius (chamberlain), lover of Elagabal

Age: in his twenties
Main theme: narcism, rivalry, beauty cult, codependency

You’re a former athlete and upstart like many others at court. There’s nothing you want more than being admired, and when the emperor isn’t giving you enough attention, you get it from the most prudish woman imaginable, making  this romance quite the secret.

praefectus annonae (prefect of the provisions), freedman, favorite of Elagabal, lover of Helia

Age: in his twenties
Main theme: social advancement, sexuality, devotion, masochism

You were nothing but a slave in the streets of Rome when the fornicating emperor fell in love with your cock. Now, you’re free and hold a powerful and lucrative office. In Elagabal’s sister, Helia, you found the kinky love of your life, living the excess. You’re bespangled with gold and honor, enjoying the fortune and pleasing your maker, your god. You’ll never give up on this, you’d rather die!

officer, praefectus praetorio (chief of the emperor’s bodyguards)

Age: in his thirties
Main theme: ambition, ruthlessness, humiliation

Once the light-hearted dancer and mime, your career took a turn to famed military strategist. Choosing the right side of history iorder to see your career blossom, dominates your daily life. A fast ascent has its pitfalls, such as the malevolence from others, like your rivalry with Zoticus for the emperor’s grace.

officer, later gladiator

Age: in his thirties
Main theme: self-sacrifice, fall from grace, bringer of hope, friendship

You’re a skillful officer, but, in secret, also a Christian. Not being able to bear Elagabal’s injustice, you ask for a friend to be pardoned. Seen as weakness, you lose the emporer’s favor and are condemned to serve as gladiator yourself. Amongst the other slaves, there are people who listen to your proclaimed Good News, and this spark of hope will ignite much more.

officer, brother of P. Bassus

Age: in his thirties
Main theme: struggle between love and duty, guilt, friendship

When your brother is sentenced to death, you ask your commander to put in a good word for him, which only makes the emperor condemn both of them. You’ve always been a good and righteous soldier, but how much longer can you serve these bastards?

doctore (trainer of the gladiators), oppressor, slave

Age: in his thirties
Main theme: abuse of power, leadership, helplessness

Slave to Lucretia, master of the gladiators, leader, sadistic trainer, and survivor of continuous abuse. You hold power and responsibility, yet suffer through the hands of others, especially Impuritas, your cultist tormentor. You’re literally scared, as well as figuratively.

torturer, pervert, slave

Age: in his twenties
Main theme: power, violence, sadism, heritage

You’re brute and vicious, but in the eyes of the nobility a true connoisseur of causing pain. Growing up as a slave, your birth holds a much bigger secret, which you’re sure to find out.

gladiator, slave

Age: in his thirties
Main theme: showfighting, bisexuality, love and rejection

Being at your master’s mercy, you pretend to be tough and impervious, but as soon Perdita rejects you, only fighting in the arena keeps you from shattering. It’s Gordius, whose tenderness gives you new hope, and as the best gladiator, no one shines like you.

gladiator, lover of Elagabal, slave

Age: in his twenties
Main theme: friendship, betrayal, love, homosexuality, social advancement

You’re a slave, fighting for honor in the arena, when you get chosen by the emperor. While you rise high in rank and glory, you forget your roots. Becoming Elagabal’s husband evokes even more hostility within the royal family. You’ll betray and be betrayed, and all of this seems to be out of your control.

gladiator, slave

Age: in his twenties
Main theme: love and friendship, being abused, Christianity, personal tragedy

Your life is tough and full of pain. However, you’re thankful for the short rays of hope, your ecstatic love to Goha. Now, your friends gain favour of the noblemen, and you’re left behind, humiliated in front of everybody. Still, you have hope, but in the end, you’ll get crushed by the power of destiny, which finally starts the revolution.

gladiator, prostitute, slave

Age: in his twenties
Main theme: jealousy, bi- and homosexuality, mysticism

Love and loss are the painful forces that shape your life. You fuck more people than the sky holds stars. Yet your sun, the one person you really love, will be taken from you. Now, you’re trying to get him back and there’s no mystic hocus-pocus you’re not willing to try.

lowest slave in the ludus, nurse

Age: adolescent
Main theme: humiliation, omega, being a victim, violence

Other slaves earn honour and glory in the arena, while you’re just cleaning and nursing their maltreated bodies. Everybody is looking down on you, and even the woman you love rejects you, for you are unworthy. Is there a way out of this misery?